2011年11月29日 星期二

generated digital meida

a) How many viewers are estimated to have watched the you tube video?
until 30/11/2011. the accumulated watching rate is 41,961,194.

b) How would you rate the video?
I think this video is very annoying that the man (Chris Crocker) pretends to be a woman and keep screaming and crying in the clips. I don't really know the purpose of the movie, but i can see his enjoyment from making this clip. from the point of technique, the techniques he used is so simple. so if i rate it from this perspective, it's low.

c) Is it of high quality in technical terms? Is it interesting aesthetically e.g. camera angles, use of light, the narrative, and so on?
in the whole video, there is no various change of the camera angle. the room light is used as the source of light. it is obviously that we can not count it as high quality in technical terms.

d) Does it raise interesting socio-cultural issues?
when i first watch this video, i have no idea on his purpose of making this video. but actually he is raising the issue of privacy and freedom of artist. he is criticizing the public and paparazzi who are violating and exploiting freedom of his idol, Brittany. he seeks for freedom for Brittany and calls on leaving Britney away by making this video.
apart from protesting for privacy of artist, by reading the comments made on this video, people care much more on his gender, homosexual or not. it also raises the concern on cross gender issue. actually, he can accuse for this by his male identity. But he blurs his gender that audience thinks he is a woman. is it because it is more convincing to be so emotional by acting as a woman?

e) Do you think deserved the attention that it received from the Internet community?
from the comments under this video, we can see that the audience concerns about the gender of the man, the proclaim of leaving Britney (generally speak, the artist) alone. these are the controversial issues that appears in reality. so, it deserves the attention.

d) Briefly describe the video
In the video,the man with woman-like make up repeated saying " leave Brittany alone" and crying for this. He is depressed that people want to earn money from Britney without considering her own feelings. it is sad that the public is so unfair to such professional. he begs the public and paparazzi to leave Britney alone.

e) Find at least one interesting video, based on Crocker’s or Bus Uncle, and upload it to your blog


f) Report some positive and negative comments about this new ability for computer users to make and widely distribute and respond to online films (such as the above three videos). (eg see Leadbeater, We-think, xviii; Burgess and Green, Youtube, Cambridge: Polity, 2009, 10…, 21-30).

positive comments:
yo i just busted out laughing when she said i ma gonna shit my pants
starranker21 1week ago

lol this is an awesome remake thank you so very much!!!! :) mad my week.
Xanderge21 2 weeks ago

Before I started to hear singing I was like- :o?
When the song started I was like- O.O
Then I wwas like- XD
RandomUploader12345 3 weeks ago

negative comments:
Idiot homo, I love parodies and lady gaga but this is just insulting to all!
bozcro 2 months ago

This is sooooooooo weird! @ first I didnt even kno if this wuz a boy or girl! lol.
Dinomiters 2 months ago

